Friday, November 27, 2009

♥Dog wins one million dollars. Owner donates ALL to shelters♥

Think about it. Think about it long and hard. All of us love our dogs and several of us have rescue dogs. Quite a few of us spend time as a shelter volunteer. BUT, how many of us would donate one million dollars to dogs and cats?

Honestly, I know if I won I'd keep some for myself and my children. Yes, I would donate some and most likely to benefit animals, but not the whole sum. Yes, the woman is a doctor and, yes, she has a lovely home; however, I don't know many wealthy people who would donate their entire winnings.


Daisy said...

Hooray for Papides! It would be very hard for me to give up that many green papers!

Catline Crew said...

Hello, we came via the Cat Blogosphere to check out the story on your post. What an amazing story.

The Florida Furkids said...

That's a lot of money to give away...that purrson is very special to do that.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Kasha said...

It makes me so sad that I would like to think that I would donate all, but I think especially these days I would keep some for myself. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of where much is given, much is required to all!

Tiger Lily said...

I am afraid we need so many more green papers than we have that it would not be posible to donate all of it. But I do know that we would give some of it away.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

It would be very hard to give up it all. I would have to help my beans first and then give some.. Hugs Gj x

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yeah, we would have kept haf fresh fish an steak and turkey fer life. An Primo Nip... So that was a mazin!