Heeheeheehee!!! Rumblemum went and got Fluffledad out to watch, they're both laughing now and we both want a Roomba so we can ride around swatting each other!!
That was so funny. The dog must have been enjoying it because he was wagging his tail!
"Stand back! Cat on a Hot Tin Roomba coming through!"
HA! Some woofies never learn!!!
That's the way to show the woofie!
We can tell who the boss in this house is...
That was hilarious! We GOTTA get our Roomba fixed so we can ride it around...
The video is very funny!I'm looking forward to following your blog! Happy New Year!Deborah
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Justice for One Little English Cat: Please sign the petition urging a serious sentence for the cat abusers. Thank you everyone! ~Whicky Wuudler
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Heeheeheehee!!! Rumblemum went and got Fluffledad out to watch, they're both laughing now and we both want a Roomba so we can ride around swatting each other!!
That was so funny. The dog must have been enjoying it because he was wagging his tail!
"Stand back! Cat on a Hot Tin Roomba coming through!"
HA! Some woofies never learn!!!
That's the way to show the woofie!
We can tell who the boss in this house is...
That was hilarious! We GOTTA get our Roomba fixed so we can ride it around...
The video is very funny!
I'm looking forward to following your blog! Happy New Year!
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