Something for a smile and a warm fuzzy and a good feeling all the way down to your toes. It's the weekend, we need a little comfort after five days of work and we need something that is overwhelmingly precious!
(You can hit the large, round disk on my play-list and it will mute the music so you can enjoy this purr-ecious baby's little nursery song.)

Oh Mimi how did you find out about it being our blogoversary! I have not even posted about it yet:) That is some smart little birdie:)
That kitten video is precious and made me melt my stress away...
You know, I wll look for an old end table from now on at Goodwill! That is too clever for words. Sometimes the best things are right under our own noses...we just need to think outside the box!
Hunny Bunny agrees with Camille Suzanne that all cats should be white!
Warm weekend hugs to all of you....Miss Peach
PS: Guess what the letter are I had to type in to leave this comment? (impeac) Moewing out loud how funny!
What a beautiful white kitty, ots of oohs and ahhs from mum there. Thanks for dropping by mine. I love vistors.
Love your blog and the choice of music.
Hugs GJ xx
Well, that video certainly made our is feeling all the stress leave her body! Thanks!
Now that is the cutest...sweetest...kitten I have ever seen! least today...most kittens are pretty cute! Thanks for sharing this video!
your friend,
p.s. I finally had time to officially post the One Lovely Blog Award you passed on to me. Thanks again!
Miss Emma would like to say hello and let you know how much we enjoyed the little kitty video!
Mimi, that was a very sweet video of baby kittens. Mom enjoyed it with Illyana purring on her chest!
Aw...We want to hug him and lick him and cuddle him and...
What a CUTE kitten movie,
we love it :))
Have a puuurfect & relaxing weekend
purrss Kareltje =^.^=
Oh that is the sweetest video! Is there anything cuter than a kitten?
Thanks for posting it on your blog.
Furry cute!
Winner winner chicken dinner! Check your e-mail've won our book giveaway :) We need to know where to send your prize!
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